
CIS 105 -- Survey of Computer Information Systems

Essential Concepts and Terminology -- Study Unit 15.

Programming Language.
A special purpose language created to enable computer processing.
Specifications or rules for the sequence and punctuation of command words and parameters.
Machine Language.
Low-level language written in binary code that the computer executes directly. Each type of processor requires its own machine language.
Assembly Language.
Low-level, machine-dependent language that enables programmers to use brief abbreviations for programming instructions.
Source Code.
Computer instructions as written in a programming language, before conversion to machine language.
A translator to convert source code to machine language.
Procedural Language.
Computer language used to create programs composed of a series of statements that tell the computer what to do and how to perform the processes for specific tasks.
High-Level Language.
A computer language that allows a programmer to write instructions using human-like language, without understanding how a computer processes data. High-level refers to the level of abstraction.
Software that translates a program written in a high-level language into object code before the program is executed.


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