
Welcome to

EDU 130 -- Internet/E-mail
and Web Design for Educators

Section 21309 -- 3 Credits -- Spring 2002
Class Web site: http://www.jqjacobs.net/edu/edu130/
James Q. Jacobs, Instructor.  E-mail.  Phone: anytime

Course Description:  Introduction to the fundamental concepts of Internet communication and resources. Topics include strategies for using the Internet as a research tool, using e-mail for online tutoring and group discussion, and Web page design for posting classroom supplements, course syllabus, and links to learning resources.

Classes are held on Tuesdays, Jan. 15 to May 7, from 3:30 to 6:20 p.m. in Computer Room 8 at the High School in Eloy.

Course Schedule:
Course content and schedule may vary to meet the needs of the class. Class assignments are separately described.
Topics. Linked Readings and References.
Jan. 15


Jan. 22

The World Wide Web history and description. Getting connected. Client/server concepts. Hypertext and hypermedia concepts. Using browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator. Readings:  PBS overview of the history of the Internet. Internet uses, philosophy. Terminology.

Jan. 29 E-mail. Netscape Messenger. Outlook Express. Advanced e-mail topics. Chat. Newsgroups. Listservers.
Feb. 5 Searching the Web. Information Resources. Online education. File Transfer Protocol. Software on the Web. Downloading.
Feb. 12

Multimedia, plug-ins, players, extensions, helpers. Enhancing browser capabilities.

Feb. 19 QUIZ 1. Creating a Web page. Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). HTML 4.01 Specification. Development tools and HTML editors. Using Netscape Composer.
Feb. 26 Document creation. HTML elements and attributes. Special characters. Document formatting. Hypertext links. Content accessability.
Mar. 5 Web Site Design. Analyzing Web sites.  Design basics. Planning Hypermedia Presentations. Storyboarding. Organizational strategies.
Mar. 12 Color and graphics. Graphic file formats. Creating graphics. Using Image tools. Preparing graphics for the Internet.
Mar. 19
Mar. 26 QUIZ 2. Creating tables. Page layout with tables. Creating and using Frames.
April 2 Creating Forms. Styles. Cascading Style Sheets.
April 9 Using Multimedia. Digitizing media. File format issues. Sound. Video. Virtual Reality.
April 16 Publishing Web sites. Web site management tools.
April 23 QUIZ 3. JavaScript Basics. Dynamic content and styles. Dynamic page layout.
April 30 Final presentations. Review.
May 6 Final Test.
More readings will be assigned from the textbooks.
Assignments links will be made available during the course. Each student will create their own Web site using the skills taught in the class. On the last day of class students will present their work to the class.

ASSESSMENT: Grades will be based on completion of assignments, quality of projects, quizzes and an objective test. Evaluation: The letter grade you earn in the class will be based upon your scores as follows: Quizzes 30%, Assignments and Projects 50%, Final Test 20%. All assignments will be worth a specific number of points. Points may be deducted for missed due dates. Your total points at the completion of the course will determine your grade. The scale is as follows: 100 - 86% = A, 86 - 72% = B, 72 - 60% = C, 60 - 50% = D, 50 - 0% = F

MATERIALS: Electronic storage media (2 3.5" diskettes).
TEXTS: How to Do Everything with the Internet By Dennis Jones, Osborne/McGraw Hill ISBN 0-07-213028-8 and HTML 4 for the World Wide Web by Elizabeth Castro, Fourth Edition ISBN 0-201-35493-4.

ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Each class builds on previous topics and activities. Three unexcused absences will reduce your grade 10% and four will result in being dropped from the course. Any modification in attendance must be arranged with the instructor in advance, or it will be unexcused.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Class will be a combination of lab, lecture and hands-on tutorials.  You should read the text before doing the exercises in class. Feel free to help one another except in testing situations. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the learning process. A creative and enjoyable environment is a better learning environment. If, for some reason, you are not enjoying this class bring it to my attention.
The college policy is to provide an educational, employment and business environment free of unwanted sexual harassment. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion. Details of the policy are found in the Student Handbook and your are responsible for knowing them.

DISABILITIES or SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability, including a learning disability, please see me after class, during my scheduled lab time, or e-mail me to discuss any accommodations you may need.

ACADEMIC ETHICS: I encourage cooperative and collective learning. However, you are responsible for completing your own work. Any form of academic dishonesty or its facilitation will be subject to disciplinary action. Institutional policy specifics are published in the Student Handbook and your are responsible for knowing them.

COMPUTER USE: You are responsible for knowing the standards and rules governing computer use on the campus. Violation of the Standards may result in your account termination and disciplinary action.

You are responsible for checking this page online for possible weekly changes in the class schedule and linked readings. If any other adjustments must be made to this syllabus, the changes will be provided in writing.

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