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Tiwanaku, Bolivia, Sunken Court and Kalasasaya Mound.
Newark Archaeogeodesy Assessing Evidence of Geospatial Intelligence in the Americas
Andes Archaeogeodesy — MachupicchuChavinCasma-Sechin
Ancient Monument Latitudes Evidence Accurate Astronomy
Eclipses, Cosmic Clockwork of the Ancients

Southwest Archaeology pages feature Photo Gallery PowerPoints
Featured Photo Galleries:   Chaco Canyon    Betatakin    Hovenweep    Natural Bridges
View of Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
Chaco Canyon Quicktime Movie - 80 images - 282 MB
Painted Hand Tower
March 2007, on the road again in the Southwest for fieldwork.
May 2007: 2.15 Million Hits  —  Fall 2007: Celebrating Ten Years on the WWW

Betatakin Ruins, Navajo National Monument, Arizona
Betatakin Ruins, Navajo National Monument, Navajo Nation, Arizona 
Download the 2560 x 1440 wide-screen deskpicture 1.25 MB

The Rock Art Pages, on the WWW since 1997.
The Three Kings panel detail, McConkie Ranch, Vernal, Utah.

Hundreds of Geoglyphs Discovered in the Amazon
Geoglyph videos, placemarks, aerial images, article links, readings, and news.brazil geoglyph
View research results in Google Earth  —  Ancient Monuments Placemarks
View pyramids, mounds, earthworks, geoglyphs, stone circles. monuments, and more.

Early Monumental Architecture of the Peruvian Coast
Ancient Monument Complex, Huaca Sechin Alto, Casma-Sechin, Peru

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Ancient Earthworks of Eastern North America — Photo Galleries
Fall Colors Tour of Eastern Woodlands Earthworks — 2005 Photo and Travel Journal
ancient monument earthen mound

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