Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum

Anasazi Heritage Center is a premier museum, interpretation center, and archaeological laboratory and conservancy center.
The previously named "Anasazi Heritage Center" is a premier museum, interpretation center, and archaeological laboratory and conservancy center. The property also preserves and protects the Escalante and Dominguez Pueblo ruins.

Escalante and Dominguez Pueblo ruins

Escalante and Dominguez Pueblo ruins
Escalante Pueblo kiva is surrounded by a room block. Note Mt. Wilson and the Rocky mountains.
Escalante Pueblo kiva is surrounded by a room block. Note Mt. Wilson and the Rocky mountains.
Escalante Pueblo is located on the hilltop above the museum. The site commands a vast viewscape.

An interpretive trail leads to the hilltop and Escalante Pueblo.
An interpretive trail leads to the hilltop and Escalante Pueblo.

Anasazi Heritage Center features a theatre, a bookstore and gift shop, and the large museum.
The Center features a theatre, a bookstore and gift shop, and the large museum.

Anasazi Heritage Center

Anasazi Heritage Center

Anasazi Heritage Center Puebloan Pottery

Anasazi Heritage Center curation and research

Anasazi Heritage Center pottery

Anasazi Heritage Center Puebloan black on white mugs and jars

Dolores Archaeological Project
The Dolores Archaeological Project was conducted before McPhee Reservoir inundated part of the Dolores River Valley and numerous ancient village sites. A wealth of archaeological information was obtained.

prehistoric weaving

 Anasazi Heritage Center  Anasazi artifacts

Exchange Network, Ancient Southwest

Anasazi Heritage Center  Ancient Pottery

black on white ware from Puebloan culture

Ancient Puebloan pottery with stepped pattern.

museum display recreates an excavated pithouse structure
Part of the museum display recreates an excavated pithouse structure.

Canyons of the Ancients Photo Galleries    |   Lowry Ruins    |   Sand Canyon   |   Yucca House

Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum PowerPoint = 3.4 MB download.

Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum, 27501 Highway 184, Dolores, Colorado USA 81323
Located between Cortez and Delores, the Anasazi Heritage Center is a museum of the Ancestral Puebloan (formerly Anasazi) culture and other Native cultures in the Four Corners region and a starting point for visits to Canyons of the Ancients NM and other regional achaeological sites.


Next on the Southwest Web Ring:

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Canyon de Chelly
Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Aztec Ruins
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Canyons of the Ancients
Edge of the Cedars
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Salinas Pueblo Missions
Montezuma Castle
Water Politics and the History of
the Fort McDowell Indian Community
Social Organization of
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A History of Havasupai
Political Organization
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or Thrifty Phenotype?
Southwest Archaeology
Lecture Notes
Pueblo Grande Mound
A Labor Analysis
Rattlesnakes of Arizona
The Chaco Meridian

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