Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum

The previously named
"Anasazi Heritage Center" is a premier museum, interpretation center,
and archaeological laboratory and conservancy center. The property
also preserves and protects the Escalante and Dominguez Pueblo ruins.

Escalante Pueblo kiva is surrounded by a room block. Note Mt. Wilson
and the Rocky mountains.

Escalante Pueblo is located on the hilltop above the museum. The
site commands a vast viewscape.
An interpretive trail leads to the hilltop and Escalante Pueblo.

The Center features a theatre, a bookstore and gift shop, and the large

Dolores Archaeological Project was conducted before McPhee Reservoir
inundated part of the Dolores River Valley and numerous ancient village
sites. A wealth of archaeological information was obtained.

Part of the museum display recreates an excavated pithouse structure.
Canyons of
the Ancients Photo Galleries | Lowry
Ruins | Sand
Canyon | Yucca
Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum PowerPoint = 3.4 MB download.
Canyons of the Ancients Visitors Center and Museum, 27501 Highway 184, Dolores, Colorado USA 81323
Located between Cortez and Delores, the Anasazi Heritage Center is a
museum of the Ancestral Puebloan (formerly Anasazi) culture and other
Native cultures in the Four Corners region and a starting point for visits
to Canyons of the Ancients NM and other regional achaeological sites.